MEND Health & Wellness, Guest Speaker on "Get Better with Dr. Polucki"


No matter how you feel about healthcare in America, there is no denying that it is expensive. Some estimates indicate that 20% of the country’s economy goes straight into healthcare and related medical treatments. In an effort to save money and cut down on the stress of medical care, many people from coast-to-coast are looking into complimentary alternative medicines, or CAM.

Dr. Polucki of the “Get Better withy Dr. Polucki” program on KHTS AM 1220, a popular radio station for residents in and around the Valencia Valley, recently discussed a new, exciting CAM: cryotherapy. Matt Browning of MEND Health & Wellness sat down with Dr. Polucki on the program and explained why he got into the industry, what cryotherapy is, and all the benefits it offers.

The discussion opened with Matt explaining that he started MEND Health & Wellness after firsthand witnessing how cryotherapy can alleviate pain and reduce symptoms for serious injuries and chronic complications. After a series of unfortunate events, Matt suffered from constant aches, soreness, and even partial paralysis. Undergoing cryotherapy sessions proved to be incredibly helpful, reaching the point where he no longer felt any unexplained pain throughout the day.

Matt went on to explain that dropping the air around the body to -220 degrees without any moisture creatures a “dry cold” that can revitalize the patient. Thinking that it is in danger due to the extreme cold, the human body will prime itself for rapid healing. Since cryotherapy only lasts a few short minutes, the patient is out of the chamber before any actual harm occurs but their body is already working hard to fix problems it had been content to ignore previously.

Some of the benefits of cryotherapy mentioned in the interview include:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Recovery amplification
  • Lessened fatigue
  • Toxin purification
  • Immune system boost
  • Wrinkle softening
  • Mood elevation
  • General pain alleviation

If you would like to tune into “Get Better with Dr. Polucki”, it airs on KHTS AM 1220 every Monday, starting at 11:00 AM and running until noon. Click here to listen to the radio interview.

To learn more about cryotherapy, or to schedule a session of your own, contact MEND Health & Wellness and our friendly and knowledgeable Valencia cryotherapy specialists today.